The Oasis Project
The last three years in 4 minutes (mid year update for our church back home)

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When I came back to Maryland for a few days, we went back and recorded a quick video in the Where You Are Church studio to give an update to our church about what exactly we've been up to.

Ninja training is part of what we've been up to 🥷
The ministry that we started has been our main focus and one of the greatest blessings in it has been the maintained connection with NewLife and the Local Church Network as they've sent us out to do this.

Joy Boy and mamma at Martin's wedding last weekend
So we thought it was time to give you a quick update via video.
If you already know all of this, then maybe you can help.
Quite a few people have been asking about what it is were up to and asking about getting involved - so could you share this with them?
Love you all
The Last 3 Years in 4 Minutes (3:59)👇