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Richie the Pastor

A story of life transformation

Curtis & Mathilda Hunnicutt
August 22, 2024
5 min read
Richie the Pastor
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In 2022 before we started our ministry, we sold our stuff and drove a 5th wheel to SoCal to meet missional church planters and get a closer look at what was happening out there.

Ralph Moore (who started Hope Chapel - around 2,600 churches since the 60's) was talking about "it's happening again", meaning the movement he saw in the 60's and 70's.

👆 This is still my favorite picture from that trip - I got up to pray over my friend Ryan and when I opened my eyes, Olivia was there right next to me praying over him.

That weekend during church gatherings in a coffee shop we prayed with my friend Joey T who said he wanted people to come to his back-yard church that no one would ever expect to come to Jesus.

👆 Here's a picture from one of Pastor Joey's back-yard gatherings called, "Connection House".a

This past September I went back to that same coffee shop and Pastor Joey showed up with my new friend, Richie.

Richie is a permanent clown. Here's what I mean by permanent:

Most clowns are only partially committed. They put clown paint on their face take it off at night, or at the latest the next day if they're gross.But Richie is committed.Apparently he doesn't like doing anything half-way. My kind of guy.


Just over a year ago Richie gave his life to Jesus and now he's sporting something even more permanent than that ink ✝(This dude had the audacity to confetti bomb the Kardashians and J-Lo in public, which you can see online, so I'm pumped to see what he does for Jesus, to say the least.)

We need church gatherings in church buildings and backyards and coffee shops and everywhere in between because we need avenues to reach every-one by every-means possible, and Richie will lead people to Jesus that you or I would likely never have the chance to meet. Thankfully, we don't serve a God with short arms.

Now, Richie is in Bible College, working as hard as he can to inspect the Faith he's been called to. Like I said, he doesn't like to do things half way. Cheers brother, we've got your back.

"The missional church... does not create sanctified spaces into which unbelievers must come to encounter the gospel.Rather, the missional church disassembles itself and seeps into the cracks and crevices of a society in order to be Christ to those who don't yet know him."The Shaping of Things to Come

PS Oasis Project website launching this weekend! 🥳